Jan Knode

Jan Knode
at the March 26, 2011 wedding

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The first drag show

Jan became a great partisan of female illusionists. In the late 90s I began a free newsletter about drag called the Drag Rag. I urged Jan to come see a show and she resisted. Finally, she agreed to go with me one night to the show at Mr. P's on P St near Dupont. She was hesitant but quickly took to the show and traded banter with show host Xavier Bloomingdale who seeing Jan was new and straight asked "Do you like men?". Yes, answered Jan. "Well so do I!" answered the statuesque drag queen. Newcomer drag performer Esmeralda Kane Jaymes caught Jan's eye and they struck up a conversation.

Jan was hooked! And soon she was writing Straight Talk for the Drag Rag. And attending the shows at the Academy of Washington where she found a whole new set of friends. And watching 12 years worth of drag careers develop.

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