Jan Knode

Jan Knode
at the March 26, 2011 wedding

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Our Meeting

The first time I met Jan was at an Academy benefit for Rainbow History. I was one of the performers so I was in drag. Jan and I chatted during the benefit and then went our separate ways. Then our friend Carl was in the hospital and we both ended up visiting at the same time. Of course I wasn't in drag then. As we talked Jan kept starring at me with a puzzled look on her face. Finally, I said Danielle Devereaux. See laughed and said now I know who you are. When I started dating Mark, Jan and I became quick friends. She was a delight to be around and a blessing in everyone's life. I will miss her very much, but will always have her with me in my heart and memory. Although I am sad for myself and those of us left here without her, I am extremely happy that she has moved on to the blessings God has promised.

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