Jan Knode

Jan Knode
at the March 26, 2011 wedding

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Meeting Jan

It took me years to learn that Jan was actually Janice Ann. She always preferred "Jan". I first met her in 1991 at the Names Project office in DC at 16th and K where I was the volunteer Volunteer Coordinator and where she came to contribute her sewing skills to people making panels for the NAMES Project AIDS Quilt. She was a strong, no-nonsense personality -- which immediately drew me to her. In those days she drank and smoked, drawing the ire of Bonnie and Mireille, the self-proclaimed mavens of Names Project. Jan pitched right in helping anyone who needed help, choosing fabric,getting things measured, starting them on stitching. Whatever needed doing. She was a trip and a trip that I willingly took for 20 years.

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